To ensure your payment information is secure we use the Paypaq™ Payment Solutions Gateway. The Paypaq™ Payment Solutions Gateway processes your credit card information securely in real time using the latest available encryption technology. This means your payment information cannot be read as it travels over the Internet to your credit issuing institution. Paypaq™ Payment Solutions is accredited by all financial institutions in North America and is compliant under both Visa's Account Information Security Program and MasterCard's Site Data Protection Program. Look for the locked lock on your browser's status bar (typically on the bottom right hand side) to ensure you are submitting your payment information on a secure form. To ensure the security of your personal information you have been taken to a secure form on a secure server hosted by our payment provider.

Donation Form

Please fill out the following information so that you can contribute securely on-line.

Thank you for your generosity!
Postal Code:
Credit Card:
Credit Card Number:
CVV: What is this?
Name on Card:
Expiry Date:

  * Please click Submit button only once

Note: When making your donation securely online it is very important to hit the Submit button once only and wait for the authorization receipt to come up on the screen. If you hit the submit button twice or hit stop and re-submit you run the risk of having your credit card authorized twice for your one donation. The system works quickly and you will have an authorized receipt on your screen withing 10 to 60 seconds depending on bandwidth. If any problem occurs please e-mail us immediately.