Ted Hart launches Green Nonprofits organization www.greennonprofits.org
Jul 25, 2008
"For years I've heard from nonprofits around the world of their interest to support and protect the environment. Because they did not perceive themselves to be experts, it was unclear what they could do to make a difference and still run a successful nonprofit/NGO. Today, GreenNonprofits, Inc. provides that answer; provides that path for every nonprofit around the world to make significant changes that when combined together will create a powerful force for the greening of this industry." - Ted Hart, CEO
GreenNonprofits was founded to be an accessible source of information about greening your nonprofit workplace, and to be a desktop tool for any nonprofit to become green[er].
As people and corporations around the world become more "green" they in turn expect the nonprofits they support to also take proactive steps to protect the environment. GreenNonprofits will lead the way in helping Nonprofits/NGOs around the world meet this challenge. "Ted Hart, CEO"
It is GreenNonprofits' mission to create and support the global movement that educates, assists, and certifies Nonprofits/NGOs in becoming environmentally friendly.
The global environment improves as a result of the nonprofit sector taking action
# Nonprofits become part of environmental solutions and successfully respond to funder and donor demands
When Ted first told me about his vision for the Green Nonprofits organization I was thrilled as the "Green" movement has been part of my life since my husband and two children moved to our 6 acre farm in 1980. While on the farm we added two more children to our brood. I didn't want to put any poisons or pesticides into the ground and found the Shaklee corporation which created the most environmentally friendly household products that I could find at the time. We raised chickens...free range of course, grew our own organic vegetables and fruit as I used the Shaklee Basic H for everything from cleaning the house, spraying the fruit trees and vegetables to keeping our septic tank clean.
We were the only ones in the area that didn't have septic tank problems because the Basic H worked its magic. Never mind that our children and animals including two dogs and at least 5 cats at any given time grew up in a poison free environment. Chemical cleaners, sprays and fertilizers are poison according to my logic, just for clarification purposes.
People thought I was crazy back then to be so focused on the environment but I knew that even that little bit that we did around our home and land would be helpful in the long run. And look where we are now on this planet. In the most critical turning point of our time. Time is running out to turn back the damage our centuries of abusing our mother earth has caused. Focusing on healing our planet has suddenly become mainstream thank goodness.
But changing our behaviors and habits is no easy task. I have grocery bags from recycled materials that I forget to take to the grocery store...So they have to sit on the front seat of the car so I could create the new habit of always taking them with me. The re-cycled shopping bag when I shop for clothes or shoes...or for office supplies.
My stainless steel cup to take to Starbucks doesn't fit my Vente Chai Latte - so I have to change to the Grande size...and as I am addicted to the Starbucks Chai Latte's this process has been tough too...
And my most difficult decisions yet to be made is the newer car (not new but newer)...I have wanted a Porsche 911 cabriolet for several years now...not because I speed...I am a grandmother to a 4 year old little man...I only ever drive 10 klicks over the speed limit so my kids laugh at me wanting that Porsche...
but I want one because I love how they look and how I look in it (yes I still have some vanity at 53) and I love the feel of the wind in my hair...but where or where do I get someone to fit the Porsche with an environmentally friendly engine that I can actually fuel up...so I keep going back to the Prius...apparently the 2009 version has air conditioning fueled by solar power...Do they have a Prius cabriolet?...I keep telling myself I can pretend it is the Porsche...ah well...my 20 year old mint condition BMW still runs like a charm while passing the emissions test...and my love for the Planet and all who live on it will win out in the end as I dream that Porsche in their brilliance comes up with the high performance engine run on alternative fuel. Maybe Ballard can help out!
And for the record, I have cut down on my driving so that I am not spewing out so many emissions.
So helping to heal our planet means going Green by changing our consuming habits and behaviors. And that is no easy task, even for people like myself who know how important it is for a sustainable future, as you can see by my little rant above.
I need to do a much better job myself, ESPECIALLY in my corporate environment, thus Ted Hart's fabulous new organization GreenNonprofits, www.greennonprofits.org
So Ted's Green program for nonprofits is timely and exciting. Not only is it amazing for the nonprofits but can be easily utilized by the for-profit business community.
I signed my group of companies up with a membership even though we are not a nonprofit as I wanted to begin the process of taking our companies as green as we can given our choices at this moment.
Its not easy but we are committed to the Ted's Green Pledge below:
1. To become more aware, to practice, and to promote a healthy environment within our organization and community;
2. To learn about the effect of my nonprofit on the environment and to take responsibility for that impact;
3. To actively adopt to environmentally-friendly practices within our organization and community;
4. To take steps in advocating environmentally-friendly practices to other nonprofit/NGO organisations.
5. To seriously consider moving towards seeking GreenNonprofits certification.
So if you haven't begun the process of greening your organization it is well worth the time and effort to review the process and get going. All those who inhabit the planet and our beautiful mother earth deserve to have a sustainable future...www.greenonprofits.org will help you and your organization change those behaviors and habits to make it a reality.
We can change our reality...
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